Valencia, Spain
6 July 2014
- ILC Progress in Japan
- Global Planning for HEP, including a 100 TeV Collider
- ICFA Statement
- 2014 ICFA Seminar
- Linear Collider School
An ILC preparatory office has been established in KEK, and there is a proposed ILC budget in Japan for the next 5 years totaling US$250M. A MEXT task force was set up in February 2014, with an Academic Experts Committee under it; this Committee has under it a Particle/Nuclear Physics Working Group and a TDR Validation Working Group. A full proposal is anticipated in 2017, with a construction start in 2018;
Over the next few years, Europe will look at a ~ 100 TeV pp collider, with an 80 – 100 km circumference; it could also be used for heavy ions and possibly electron-hadron collisions. There is a possibility of 350 GeV e+e- collisions in the tunnel, but pp is the primary goal. A study will be made on the physics of such a pp machine compared to a high energy (~ 33 TeV) LHC option; high-field magnets are needed for both machines. It is hoped to have a TDR and an “educated” cost estimate in 5 years.
Planning for future particle physics facilities in China started in 2012. China does not have the capability to build a large proton machine now, but could consider an e+e- machine (CEPC) (~ 240 GeV) in a large tunnel; the tunnel could later contain a pp collider. Construction could start after 2020. The e+e- machine is complementary to the ILC, and China still supports the ILC. China feels that it needs a particle physics project at home in addition to taking part in international projects.
ICFA issued a Statement intended to eliminate confusion as to its support of the ILC, and to also encourage studies of future machines.
The planning for the next ICFA Seminar was described; it will be held at IHEP, Beijing, on 27-30 October 2014.
The Linear Collider School has been very successful, but there are now funding issues, and there is no linkage to other accelerator schools. A working group has been formed to discuss the future of the School; the School in October/November 2015 will be hosted at TRIUMF; the School in 2016 will be in Japan, arranged by KEK; and the School in 2017 will be a specialized CERN School. For funding, the suggestion is to move from lab/funding agency support (which has become increasingly difficult to obtain) to a fee-based model, similar to other accelerator schools.