Summary of the ILCSC Meeting
10 February 2005
TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada
1. GDE Director Search
An ILCSC search committee, chaired by Paul Grannis, had been charged with receiving and evaluating suggestions for a Director of the International Linear Collider (ILC) Global Design Effort (GDE). The GDE is the body which will coordinate the world’s linear collider design and R&D efforts, at least until a group of governments formally take over this task. Grannis reported that suggestions had been received from the 3 regions of Asia, Europe and North America, and the search committee had interviewed several candidates. The first choice of the search committee was Barry Barish.
Barish came to the ILCSC meeting to be interviewed by ILCSC itself. The interview included discussion of the role of the GDE Director, the administrative structure needed to support it, and the director’s relationship with the 3 regions where ILC activities are currently underway.
Following the interview, ILCSC approved a recommendation to ICFA that Barish be offered the position of GDE Director; on 18 March 2005 it was announced that Barish had accepted the offer.
2. GDE Site Location
An ILCSC subcommittee had reviewed the 9 proposals received for the location of the GDE central site. It reported that all of the proposals fulfill the criteria, with only minor differences; the subcommittee commented that all proposed US sites could have some problem with US entry visas, especially in obtaining visas for multiple entries.
There was an indication from comments by the GDE Director candidates that the original model of a central site may no longer be valid, and that the central site would instead be somewhat virtual. The present feeling is that ILC efforts will be based more at the major accelerator labs than at a central site; this would lead to a faster start for the GDE, and would not disrupt the existing ILC work at the labs.
3. Memorandum of Understanding
There was a continuation of the previous meetings’ discussions of the Memorandum of Understanding to be signed by the GDE participating institutions.
4. Second ILC Workshop (ILC2)
At ILC1 in KEK (November 2004), it was agreed to have ILC2 at Snowmass, USA, together with the previously scheduled physics and detector workshop there on 14-27 August 2005 The existing ILC1 working groups will continue.
5. Worldwide Study
David Miller reported that three ILC detector concept teams are forming:
(i) SiD (high B, all silicon tracking).
(ii) GLD (lower B, large volume gaseous tracker).
(iii) LDC (large detector, starting from TESLA and North American “Large”)
Miller noted that the three concepts affect the collider differently, for example, on the beam crossing angle.
Summary of the ILCSC Meeting
10 May 2005, Frankfurt Airport
1. Status of International Linear Collider (ILC) Global Design Effort (GDE)
Barry Barish, the GDE Director, described his activities since accepting the position of GDE Director in March 2005, and his plans for the future. He noted that the only part of the ILC that has been decided up to the present is the main linac rf technology. Many specifications are needed by the end of 2005, and the TESLA design will be a starting point. Changes must be possible in the future, so that a machine is not constructed using outmoded technology.
Barish said that his first need is to appoint the three regional GDE Directors. [By the end of May 2005, it had been announced that Fumihiko Takasaki (KEK) was the Asian GDE Director, and Gerry Dugan (Cornell) was the North American GDE Director]. He envisages a GDE of about 20 full-time equivalent people in 2005-2006, involving ~30-40 people who will work mostly at their home institutions; because there will not be a central GDE site, key experts can be involved in other activities, and will not have to re-locate.
Barish gave a proposed schedule. Design configuration should begin in August 2005, with a baseline configuration document at the end of 2005; the baseline would be under configuration control by January 2006. A Conceptual Design Report (CDR) should be developed by the end of 2006; it will consider 3 or more sample sites in different regions of the world, will contain detector design concepts, and there should be reliable costs. The CDR will be the basis for moving towards a technical design, to be ready before physics from the LHC establishes the science case.
Barish described some of the ILC design issues. The main cost is in the linac and civil engineering; other areas have many technical challenges although they are not major cost drivers. He described some of the choices that still need to be made. The need for a good change control system was reiterated, so that the design is not frozen in the CDR, and changes can be made up to the time of the Technical Design Report.
2. Future ILCSC Meetings
The next meeting of ILCSC will be at Snowmass, USA, on Tuesday 23 August 2005, during the Snowmass Workshop. The following one will be at Daegu, Korea, associated with the 28 September — 1 October 2005 ICFA Seminar; a possible date is Tuesday 27 September.
3. Memorandum of Understanding for the GDE
A final version of the MOU for the GDE was agreed upon, and signed by representatives of the Charter Member institutions.
4. Other Activities
Reports were given on current linear collider activities by representatives of the Asian, European and North American regions, and by the Worldwide Study for linear collider physics and detectors.
Summary of the ILCSC Meeting
23 August 2005
Snowmass, USA
Most of this ILCSC meeting was devoted to an extended discussion of the future role of ILCSC, and its relationship to the Global Design Effort (GDE) and to other ILC-involved organizations. The topics included the roles and interactions between ILCSC, GDE, the three regional ILC steering groups, government funding agencies including their informal linear collider group FALC, and the Worldwide Study of ILC detectors and physics. The GDE director (Barry Barish) and three regional directors (Gerry Dugan, Brian Foster and Fumihiko Takasaki) were present for much of the time.
Many questions were raised during the meeting, and these discussions will continue at the next ILCSC meeting (in Daegu, Korea, 27 September 2005). Agreement was reached on the following:
The oversight of GDE will be by ILCSC.
There should be a Machine Advisory Committee (MAC) reporting to ILCSC as well as GDE; MAC members will be appointed by ILCSC with advice and consent from GDE.
Summary of the ILCSC Meeting
27 September 2005
Daegu, Korea
1. Status of the ILC Global Design Effort (GDE)
GDE Director Barry Barish reported on GDE activities since the Snowmass ILCSC meeting. The Baseline Control Document (BCD) will be produced by the end of 2005, and will include sections on alternatives to some of the design choices. It is hoped that there can be a reasonable ILC cost estimate in a Reference Design Report (RDR) by mid-end 2006. Barry said that the Snowmass list of 40+ design questions had been consolidated into 10, which need to be resolved in order to move forward.
2. Future ILCSC Role
It was reiterated that ILCSC is the single oversight body for GDE. In addition, the Worldwide Study (for ILC detectors and physics) also reports to ILCSC. There is recognition of the importance of ILCSC integrating well with the Funding Agencies for a Linear Collider (FALC) and the FALC Resource Board.
3. Machine Advisory Committee (MAC)
A machine advisory committee will be set up to advise ILCSC and the GDE Director; it is anticipated that its first meeting will take place in January 2006.
4. Memorandum of Understanding
ILCSC approved an Annex on “Organizational Structure, Functioning and Governance of the ILC GDE” to the GDE MOU. The MOU and Annex are at
5. Worldwide Study
Jim Brau reported on recent activities of the Worldwide Study.