The primary role of the Steering Committee is to promote the construction of an Electron-Positron Linear Collider through world-wide collaboration. In so doing the Committee will give particular attention to Outreach, Science, Technology and Organization of the LC project.
Mandate of the ILCSC
(Revised 9 March 2009)
NOTE: On 18 February 2011, this Mandate was extended by ICFA to 31 December 2012.
1. The ILCSC, as a Sub-panel of ICFA, is established in order to facilitate a global support towards the realization of the International Linear Collider (ILC) as a global collaborative effort, drawing on input from regional steering committees.
2. The ILCSC has established the Global Design Effort (GDE) Central Team to coordinate and direct the effort of the teams in Asia, Europe and the Americas that comprise the GDE. The ILCSC has also established the position of Research Director, who is responsible for the development of the experimental program of the ILC. The ILCSC, representing ICFA, will provide oversight to the GDE and to the Research Director.
3. The ILCSC will work closely with the Funding Agencies for Large Colliders (FALC) and/or other national or international agencies to facilitate the evolution of GDE to an institution under international governance aimed at the construction of the ILC and its detectors.
Global Design Effort, Research Director & Project Advisory Committee
4. The GDE Director and the Research Director will be selected and appointed by the ILCSC with recommendations from the Regional Steering Committees. Both will directly report to the ILCSC and be responsible to the ILCSC for leading their organizations to fulfill their responsibilities.
5. The ILCSC will assess and endorse budget requests for the common operations fund that the GDE and Research Directors will put forward to Funding Agencies for Large Colliders (FALC) for approval.
6. The ILCSC will set up a Project Advisory Committee (PAC) that will report to the Committee on ILC accelerator and detector issues. The PAC Chairperson will be appointed by ILCSC. PAC members will be appointed by the ILCSC for two years with advice from the GDE and Research Directors.
7. The ILCSC will monitor the progress of the GDE and Research Director activities, including through reports by the GDE and Research Directors and the assessment of technical progress through reports by the PAC Chairperson.
Worldwide Study
8. The Worldwide Study (WWS) will provide a report regularly to the ILCSC and advise it on ILC community physics and detector issues.
Reporting to ICFA
9. The ILCSC Chairperson will report regularly the ILCSC assessment of the ILC accelerator and detector progress to ICFA.
10. The ILCSC will monitor ILC outreach activities of GDE, the Research Director, regional groups and others explaining the intrinsic scientific and technological importance of the project to the scientific community at large, to industry, to government officials and politicians, and to the general public.
Other Tasks
11. The ILCSC will carry out such other tasks as may be approved or directed by ICFA.
12. In carrying out its work, the ILCSC will appoint such subcommittees as needed, with members selected for their particular expertise. Membership will be chosen by consensus of the ILCSC.
13. ILCSC Membership
a) The members of the Committee will consist of the following:
i. Directors of the major particle physics related laboratories in the three regions that provide core support to ILC
ii. One representative each from the three regional steering groups
iii. One representative each from the physics community of the three regions
iv. Chairperson
v. One representative from Russia
vi. One representative from China
vii. One ICFA representative from the “Other Countries” category
There will be a Committee Secretary.
A representative of the FALC Resource Group will be invited to all ILCSC meetings
b) The Chair of the ILCSC will be chosen by ICFA and have a term of two years. The Chair position shall normally rotate among the regions in succession. The Chair should not be one of the “Directors” as defined in (i) above.
c) The members in category ii and iii are appointed by the regional steering committee for three year terms, renewable as appropriate.
Revision of Mandate
14. The mandate of the ILCSC shall be reviewed by ICFA every three years to determine if the purpose is being properly served and remains appropriate or if the activity should be terminated.
Current Membership of the ILCSC (1 January 2012)
Directors | |
CERN | Rolf Heuer |
DESY | Joachim Mnich |
Fermilab | Pier Oddone |
KEK | Atsuto Suzuki |
SLAC | Persis Drell |
LC Steering Group Chairs | |
Asian | Jie Gao |
European | Manfred Krammer |
N. American | Paul Grannis |
Other | |
Chair | Jonathan Bagger |
China (IHEP Director) | Hesheng Chen |
Russia (BINP Director) | Alexander Skrinsky |
ICFA outside LC regions | Gilvan Alves |
Asia Rep. | Sachio Komamiya |
Europe Rep. | Francois Le Diberder |
N. American Rep. | Harry Weerts |
Secretary | |
Roy Rubinstein |
Summary of the ILCSC Meeting
15 August 2007
Daegu, Korea
1. Reference Design Report
ILCSC accepted the ILC Reference Design Report (RDR) from Barry Barish.
2. GDE Activity
Barry Barish noted that a tehnically driven timeline could have ILC construction start in 2012. He described the project management organization needed in order to produce an Engineering Design Report (EDR) in 2010. Barish noted that the detectors need to be on the same timescale as the accelerator.
3. EDR Phase
Marc Ross described the GDE’s plans for the EDR phase, including resources, staffing and schedule. He gave details of the Work Package structure needed for the activities, and the MOUs required between the GDE and the institutions carrying out the work. ILCSC agreed to the EDR phase plan.
4. Machine Advisory Committee (MAC) for the EDR Phase
The GDE will set up an Accelerator Advisory Board, composed of both GDE members and outside advisors. It will meet approximately monthly, and report to GDE. In addition, ILCSC will form a new MAC, which will provide a review of ILC accelerator activities for ILCSC and the outside community.
5. Worldwide Study (WWS)
The WWS report was given by Hitoshi Yamamoto. He said that in order for the detector design and construction to be in synchronism with that of the accelerator (so data taking can start as the accelerator is ready), the following detector schedule is proposed:
Summer 2007 – ILCSC announces call for Letters of Intent (LOLs)
Summer 2008 – Detector teams submit LOLs
End of 2008 – 2 detector designs accepted.
Yamamoto discussed the need for an ILC Research Director (RD), who would be responsible for the development of the experimental program of the ILC. The RD would be helped by an International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG).
ILCSC agreed to appoint a Research Director, and to issue a call for LOIs for ILC detectors.
Summary of the ILCSC Meeting
25 October 2007
1. GDE Report
Barry Barish described the 4 volumes of the ILC Reference Design Report; “Gateway to the Quantum Universe” will be translated into 8 languages. The timescale for Engineering Design Report (EDR) completion is July 2010. The current GDE membership is Asia 101, Europe 133, Americas 233.
GDE is setting up an Accelerator Advisory Panel (AAP), and a mandate for AAP has been written. It will be composed of ~10 people, and will meet on a weekly schedule, with more complete reviews ~every month. AAP’s role will include study of alternatives to major components, and also study of R&D issues.
Marc Ross presented the ILC Project Management Plan for the EDR phase. The EDR planning phase will last until March 2008 (describing milestones, interim deliverables, and deliverables), and will produce an EDR schedule; it will be succeeded by the Implementation Plan. The EDR goals will be consistent with a construction start in ~2012. One milestone is to have a cavity gradient recommendation in 2009.
2. World Wide Study
Many of the past activities of WWS have now been taken over by the Research Director, reported Hitoshi Yamamoto, and its future role is under discussion. It will continue to organize LCWS; it might continue as an ILC users’ group, and might continue outreach to the public and to the scientific community.
3. Research Director
The recently appointed Research Director, Sakue Yamada, said that the 3 WWW co-chairs will temporarily serve as regional contacts representing the ILC physics community in each region. He noted that the two detector groups selected in 2008 may not be those ultimately performing the experiments, as room must be left for new developments. He expected detector R&D to continue until ~2010.
Yamada discussed the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG), for which he hopes to have a member list by the end of 2007. IDAG will produce benchmarks (which are needed soon) for the LOI proposals. If there are more than two LOIs submitted, IDAG will make a recommendation on which two should be encouraged to proceed to the EDR stage.
ILCSC members noted the importance of the two selected ILC detectors being complementary and dissimilar.
4. Project Advisory Committee (PAC)
The PAC, consisting of ~9 members, will assist the ILCSC in its oversight of the ILC project. It will be complementary to the GDE’s AAP on the accelerator side, and its oversight functions will include the review of detector activities, especially detector integration with the accelerator. Membership of the PAC is currently under consideration, and ILCSC approved a mandate for the committee.
Summary of the ILCSC Meeting
11 February 2008
1. GDE Report
Barry Barish described the GDE replanning, following the recent UK and US funding actions. He noted the offers of help through visiting appointments, travel, etc., and that there is no evidence of a “domino effect” following the UK and US actions.
The new GDE plan is more focussed, with strict prioritization and a stretched-out schedule, and involves close collaboration with the XFEL; there will be coordination with CLIC on common aspects, such as positron source, damping rings, beam delivery system, detectors, etc. The first Technical Design Phase will last until 2010, while the second phase continues to 2012.
2. Detectors
The ILC Research Director, Sakue Yamada, reported that a detector Directorate has been formed, consisting of himself and 3 regional contacts; these regional contacts will initially be the 3 WWS Co-Chairs Jim Brau, Francois Richard and Hitoshi Yamamoto.
Following the recent UK and US funding actions, there is a new detector timeline, which will be in synchrony with that of the GDE. Expressions of Interest (EOIs) will be requested by March 2008, and Letters of Intent (LOIs) by March 2009. Following that, the LOIs will be validated by the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG), but the selection of 2 detectors will not occur at that time. The validation will be to determine if a detector is capable of the desired physics, and whether the proposing group is strong enough to carry it out.
3. World Wide Study
Francois Richard discussed how the recent UK and US funding actions affected the individual detector collaborations. He noted that future linear collider detector workshops will extend to CLIC issues.
4. Project Advisory Committee (PAC)
Membership of the PAC was approved. This committee will review GDE accelerator activities and, in addition, the ILC detector activities. Its mandate is given in
Summary of the ILCSC Meeting
4 June 2008
Dubna, Russia
1. GDE Report
Barry Barish reported on the next GDE ILC phase, the Technical Design Phase (TDP). It will have a more traditional project management structure than for GDE activities so far, and will have two stages ending in 2010 and 2012, respectively. Key R&D areas are high gradient cavity R&D, and an updated value estimate. Barish noted that more work is needed in the conventional facilities area. A “uniform” design site will be used, rather than having three teams working on three separate site studies. Options such as a shallow site, single tunnel, etc., will also be investigated, towards the goal of cost reduction.
Barish mentioned the recently formed GDE Accelerator Advisory Panel, whose members will attend GDE technical meetings as “observers” and make suggestions and give feedback and advice on a short timescale.
2. Research Director’s Report
Sakue Yamada said that detector Expressions of Interest (EOIs) were received in March 2008, and Letters of Intent (LOIs) are due by March 2009. The LOIs will then be validated by the newly-formed International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG), where validation means ascertaining whether the proposed detector can do the required physics, and whether the proposing group will be strong enough to carry it out. Yamada now has a Research management structure which includes three regional contacts; these are currently the three co-leaders of the Worldwide Study.
Yamada noted that there are now three detector concept groups, which will each submit an LOI. With detector R&D not expected to be completed before 2010, it will not be possible before then to make the selection of the final two complementary and contrasting ILC detectors. Yamada commented that there is now collaboration on detectors between ILC and CLIC.
3. The Proposed Dubna ILC Site
There was a presentation by Grigori Shirkov (JINR) on the proposed Dubna ILC site. The favorable site geology, nearby electrical power distribution, and rural location were noted. The proposal has one accelerator tunnel ~20 meters below the surface, and a service tunnel (constructed by open-cut methods) above it, and 3-4 meters below the surface.
ILCSC approved a Memorandum of Understanding for the GDE Technical Design Phase, which was subsequently sent to the initial signatory parties.
5. Reports
ILCSC heard reports from the Worldwide Study and on ILC activities in the three world regions
Summary of the ILCSC Meeting
31 October 2008
1. GDE Report
Barry Barish discussed the recent report of the ILC Project Advisory Committee (PAC). Among comments on specific PAC recommendations, Barish noted that there are now several common ILC/CLIC activities and more joint groups, including positron source and damping rings, are being formed. He believes that barriers between ILC and CLIC are breaking down. Regarding the PAC’s comments on the “Minimum Machine”, the GDE wants more time to formulate a reply, as this concept is still evolving.
2. Research Director’s Report
Sakue Yamada discussed the PAC recommendations on detectors; he also gave more details of the LOI requirements and validation process, and the role of IDAG. ILCSC agreed that the IDAG mandate extends to 2012.
3. Gamma-Gamma ILC Precursor
A personal view of a gamma-gamma collider Higgs factory as a precursor to the ILC was presented by Hirotaka Sugawara. Such a collider would not necessarily be the first stage of a 500 GeV e+e- ILC, but Sugawara said a major argument for his proposal (which would first require LHC Higgs results) is the much lower cost of such a collider compared to the ILC.
ILCSC members raised several questions, and requested that the GDE and Research Directors have appropriate committees look at the technical implications, the impact on GDE, and the physics aspects of Sugawara’s proposal.
4. Worldwide Study (WWS)
The status of WWS was presented by Francois Richard. He noted the significant contacts between the WWS and CLIC on detector issues, and the benefits of this to both groups. Richard commented that although many of WWS’s former roles have been taken over by the Research Director’s organization, WWS still has a unique and crucial role representing the community working on ILC detector R&D.
The MOU for the GDE Technical Design Phase has been signed by all of the initial signatories, and is now posted in the “Recent Linear Collider Activities” section of the ICFA web site.
6. Reports
Reports were given on ILC activities in the Asia, Europe and Americas regions.
Summary of the ILCSC Meeting
12 February 2009
1. GDE Report
Barry Barish reported that a major GDE R&D activity continues to be on high-gradient SCRF, with a goal of 35 MV/m in a vertical test and a 90% production yield; so far there has been a 50% yield in manufactured cavities at 25 MV/m, and one vendor has achieved a 45% yield at 35 MV/m with no reprocessing. Work continues on a “Minimum Machine” design, studying options which may simplify the design and be cost effective. These include the klystron cluster concept; central region integration; low beam power option; single-stage compressor; 1 TeV upgrade cost; and single-tunnel option. Studies are ongoing of possible ILC governance models, and discussions on this topic continue with FALC. ILC designs are still for a generic site, with current discussions on how much effort should be devoted to specific site studies.
2. Gamma-Gamma ILC Precursor
At its 31 October 2008 meeting, ILCSC received a proposal for a gamma-gamma Higgs factory as a precursor to the ILC; ILCSC asked the GDE and Research Directors to form a group to study this suggestion, and a report of the study was presented to this meeting. A 180 GeV gamma-gamma precursor would cost about half that of the 500 GeV ILC, but would produce much less physics. A better alternative for early Higgs studies would be a ~ 230 GeV e+e- collider for studying the Higgs through ZH production; this would be ~ 30% more costly than the gamma-gamma collider. ILCSC decided not to pursue the gamma-gamma collider as a precursor to the ILC further at this time.
3. Research Director Report
Sakue Yamada said that IDAG is preparing for the detector LOI validation process. The plan is to complete the validations by ALCPG09 (Albuquerque, 29 September to 3 October 2009).
Summary of the ILCSC Meeting
19 August 2009
1. Project Advisory Committee
Jean-Eudes Augustin described the May 2009 PAC review held in Vancouver, and summarized the PAC report. Among the PAC recommendations was that ILCSC have a meeting with lab directors to discuss the difficulties caused by labs taking their people off ILC activities to work on other projects.
Lyn Evans will become PAC Chair following its 2/3 November 2010 review.
2. GDE Report
Barry Barish reported on the recent AAP and PAC reviews, the new Version 4 R&D plan, SCRF progress, and ILC/CLIC collaboration. Changing lab priorities have had the result that labs have taken some critical people from GDE activities. Work on the accelerator baseline design is ongoing, with changes possible to Spring 2010, but then it should remain constant to 2012. Funding and manpower resources available to GDE are expected to remain approximately constant to 2012, and Barish commented that GDE is on track to propose the ILC in 2012.
There was extensive ILCSC discussion of ILC/CLIC collaboration, in order to use resources more efficiently and to promote communications between the two groups; this discussion will continue at future ILCSC and ICFA meetings.
3. ILC Governance
An interim report on his group’s study of ILC governance was given by Brian Foster. They have studied several large international science projects and the issues that have arisen in the governance of each. Tentative conclusions were expected in September 2009, with final presentations to the community in June/July 2010.
4. Research Director Report
Sakue Yamada reported that three ILC detector LOIs had been received, and he described the evaluation process carried out by IDAG. The IDAG report validated two of the three LOIs, and ILCSC approved the recommendations of the IDAG report.
5. WWS Report
The WWS report was given by Francois Richard, who noted that funding agencies do not appear to have a clear recognition of the need for an ILC detector roadmap consistent with that of the accelerator. The ILC detector community, while acknowledging the value of cooperation with CLIC, has some concerns which it feels need to be addressed.
Summary of the ILCSC Meeting
25 February 2010
1. GDE Report
Barry Barish reported that current goals are to optimize cost/performance, complete crucial demonstrations and risk mitigating R&D, update the value estimate and schedule, and produce a Project Implementation Plan. The major short-term goals are dominated by SCRF; recently 33 MV/m was reached in a production 9-cell cavity, and SCRF competence is emerging in all 3 regions. Barish described the SB2009 proposals, including the single-tunnel solution, the undulator-based positron source at the end of the electron linac, the ~ 3.2 km damping rings, and the revised central region tunnel layout. The total savings would be ~ 12-13%. Barish’s Accelerator Advisory Panel recommended that the proposals be carried out using a change-control process.
2. Research Director Report
Detector activity will be monitored through 2012 by IDAG; Sakue Yamada noted that adequate detector resources through 2012 are not assured, and there are currently resource imbalances among the 3 regions. A working group (with Jim Brau as Convener) has been set up to study the effects of the SB2009 accelerator proposals on the ILC physics program.
3. Support of the ILC program by Labs
The directors of the world’s major particle physics laboratories were invited to this ILCSC meeting, which allowed a discussion of support by labs of the ILC program. GDE’s interaction with each lab is a very informal process, which works well as long as GDE’s goals are not too different from those of the lab. However, a lab’s priorities may change and this can impact GDE’s priorities. Also, the distribution of detector support by labs and countries is uneven, which causes problems for the ILC detector community.
4. ILC-CLIC Collaboration
Seven ILC-CLIC accelerator working groups are now in operation, together with a joint working group on general issues which will produce an interim report by the end of 2010 and a final one 2 years later. A joint ILC-CLIC working group on detectors has also been set up.
5. Worldwide Study
Activities of the Worldwide Study were presented by Jim Brau. He discussed the concern within the ILC physics/detector community that the SB2009 design changes not limit the ILC physics capability, with a particular concern that there be adequate luminosity at the Higgs threshold and for low energy scans of new low-mass states. A worry is that construction cost savings could lead to longer running times to achieve the same physics data precision.
6. ILC Activities Post-2012
Beyond 2012 there will still be several steps before an ILC project; these include R&D needed for risk reduction and technical improvements, engineering design, and industrialization. Other issues will be government agreements for the international partnership, siting and a site-dependent design, and governance. Funds will be needed to continue R&D past 2012, although at a lower rate than prior to 2012. The question of holding together the design teams past 2012 may need to be addressed.
24 July 2010
1. PAC Report
Lyn Evans discussed the 13/14 May 2010 ILC Project Advisory Committee (PAC) review; the review report is available here.
2. GDE Report
Barry Barish discussed the proposed accelerator design changes (single tunnel; positron source at the end of the electron linac; reduced number of rf buckets; smaller damping ring; central region integration; single stage bunch compressor), which result in ~13% cost reduction. Changes will be carried out using a Change Control Board.
Possible post-2012 ILC activities were mentioned by Barish; there will still be R&D needed after 2012, together with uncertainties in the optimum lepton collider energy until there is more data from the LHC experiments. He estimated that the ILC would take 5-6 years minimum for construction, followed by 2 years of commissioning.
Barish summarized by saying that the ILC design is on track for 2012, and there is a need to start planning for beyond that time.
3. Research Director’s Report
Sakue Yamada said that both ILD and SiD collaborations continue their work towards Detailed Baseline Designs (DBDs) for 2012, although there is concern about how complete they will be at that time. The baseline design must be fixed early enough so that the simulations can be finished in time. R&D on critical components should show feasibility level within 1-2 years from now.
The RD has a working group, chaired by Jim Brau, to study the SB2009 accelerator proposals.
4. ILC Governance and Post-2012 Situation
There was an extensive discussion of interim and long-term ILC governance, site selection procedures, and how to determine the appropriate lepton collider technology following sufficient data from the LHC experiments. The conclusions were as follows:
- An interim White Paper will be completed on the Comprehensive Project Design Guidance (CPDG) for the International Linear Collider by October 2010 for discussion by ILCSC and the particle physics community
- The CPDG will discuss the 4 possible ILC governance models without making a choice between them
- The CPDG will state that the Multinational Laboratory (MNL) model should start to oversee ILC activities in 2013 (after release of the GDE TDR and the end of the current GDE mandate). It will be an interim mechanism for continuing ILC activities, and will be a “virtual lab”, becoming more real with time as governments become more directly involved, and able to eventually transition to any of the other governance models
- The MNL will have very few employees; almost all staff will continue to be employed by their home institutions
- The ILC detectors will be included in the MNL, although a structure must be devised to include university participation in the detector collaborations
- In-kind contributions to the ILC project must meet the design specifications of the MNL Director
- ILCSC will set up an ILC Site Requirements Working Group by the February 2011 ILCSC meeting, which should report by 2012. Where possible, requirements should be listed as desirable rather than mandatory
- The MNL can, in principle, lead to any future lepton collider that the physics case justifies. However, it will focus its efforts on the ILC
- When the needed lepton collider energy is known from LHC results, ICFA will set up a panel to compare the readiness of the available technologies (as was done in 2004 by the International Technology Recommendation Panel in comparing superconducting versus room temperature rf systems for the ILC)
5. PAC Membership
The following PAC members have terms which run until mid-2011: Jean-Eudes Augustin, Lyn Evans (Chair), Steve Holmes, Akira Masaike, Bob Orr, Raj Pillay; Jon Bagger is ex-officio. Three members’ terms ended in mid-2010: Gunther Geschonke, Don Hartill, Masakazu Yoshioka; they were replaced by Stuart Henderson, Katsunobe Oide, and Hans Weise; because Weise cannot join until January 2011, Yoshioka will continue as a member until then.
17 February 2011
IHEP, Beijing
- PAC Report
The 11/12 November 2010 ILC Project Advisory Committee (PAC) review was discussed by Lyn Evans; the review report is available here.
- GDE Report
Barry Barish reported the progress on cavity gradients. A gradient of 35 MV/m has been achieved by several vendors with 50% yield; the goal for 2012 is 90% yield. Barish described the accelerator baseline changes and the GDE change control process; the 35 MV/m accelerator design gradient and a single tunnel have so far been approved, and the reduced parameter set and positron source location were still under consideration.
- Research Director’s Report
Sakue Yamada said that both ILD and SiD collaborations are close to completing interim reports on their detectors. The detector collaborations are in competition for resources with other experiments and other fields in each of the 3 regions. Cooperation with the CLIC detectors is increasing. ILCSC encouraged the communication of information on the spin-offs from ILC detector R&D.
- ILC Governance and Post-2012 Situation
There was a wide-ranging discussion on how ILC planning should proceed after completion of the TDR and DBD documents in 2012. The discussion will continue at the next ILCSC meeting, but the following points have emerged on ILC governance after 2012:
- Keep the GDE- and RD-like organizations for ILC technical decisions
- Whatever takes over from ILCSC should be under ICFA, since this process works now
- Any new governance structure should be able to be extendible to CLIC
- ILCSC will set up a Site Criteria Working Group
- PAC Membership
In mid-2011, the following PAC membership changes will take place:
Jia-er Chen (Peking U.) will replace Akira Masaike
Enrique Fernandez (Barcelona) will replace Jean-Eudes Augustin
John Seeman (SLAC) will replace Steve Holmes
24 August 2011
TIFR, Mumbai
- GDE Report
Barry Barish reported that work on SCRF was now ~ 80% of the GDE effort; the 2010 goal of 50% yield was achieved, and the yield goal for 2012 is 90%. In an update on the ILC accelerator design, he noted that considerable current effort is going towards cost reduction; the baseline changes made over the past several months have saved about 11%. The total ILC power consumption of approximately 230 MW is a concern.
- Research Director’s Report
Sakue Yamada said that the interim Detailed Baseline Design (DBD) is close to completion. He described the current status of the two detector collaborations. A systematic study of the applications of ILC detector R&D to other fields is almost completed. Yamada said that he would like to continue the current IDAG membership until completion of the DBD phase.
- ILC Post-2012
Barry Barish gave the GDE view of key issues for ILC post-2012. After 2012, the core accelerator and technical teams need to be kept together; the GDE should remain in place into 2013, to represent the TDR in reviews, and to overlap with whatever linear collider organization comes into existence at that time.
The GDE (and by implication the Research Director organization) mandate was extended by ILCSC to 31 December 2013
The following linear collider organization post-2013 is the tentative ILCSC plan, and will be considered further at its February 2012 meeting. The transition from this organization to a project will be adiabatic. The organization will speak for a unified linear collider facility, and will converge to a single linear collider proposal as determined by the LHC physics data.
Notes on the above figure:
- “ILCSC” is the successor organization to the current ILCSC. Its membership and mandate should be reviewed by ICFA, but most of the relevant organizations are already represented in the current ILCSC.
- The Linear Collider Directorate box could, subject to the determination of the Linear Collider Director/Leader, be composed of an Executive Council which will include the Linear Collider Director/Leader; 3 Associate Directors who are respectively the heads of “GDE”, ”CLIC” and Detectors/Physics; and three Regional Representatives. With this as a starting point, its detailed mandate, interface to the boxes below it, and final composition, should be developed leading to the February 2012 ILCSC meeting.
- “GDE” is the successor organization to the current GDE; “CLIC” is the successor organization to the current CLIC organization.
ILCSC Meeting
2 February 2012
Oxford, UK
- GDE Report
Barry Barish reported that much of GDE’s emphasis in its work towards the Technical Design Report (TDR) is on cost control. He said that this could lead to possible cost reductions of ~ 10 – 20%; coupled with other changes, he felt that there should be no significant cost growth above the 2007 Reference Design Report costs. SCRF cavity yields are now 50% at nominal field, with 90% yields expected by the end of 2012. Barish described the R&D work that will still be needed after completion of the TDR. - Research Director’s Report
The Detector Baseline Document (DBD), reported Hitoshi Yamamoto, will demonstrate that the two detectors will be able to achieve the ILC physics goals. Three new 1 TeV reactions have been added to the baseline, and studies have shown that the existing ILD and SiD detector designs would work at 1 TeV. - ILC Project Implementation Planning
GDE has produced a draft ILC Project Implementation Planning document giving recommendations for the governance of the ILC; to arrive at the recommendations, reviews were made of the governance of other very large scientific projects. The draft document is available at*0979545 - ILC Post-2012
Discussion continued on the possible linear collider organization (below) after the TDR and DBD have been completed and reviewed (expected to be ~ mid-2013). ILCSC itself will be replaced by the Linear Collider Board, with 5 members from each region and a Chair. The current GDE should continue until the new organization is in place, and GDE R&D should also continue.
The Directorate will be headed by the Linear Collider Director, with Associate Directors for the SCRF linear collider (former ILC GDE), the room-temperature two-beam linear collider (former CLIC), and the physics and detectors for these machines. Mandates will be produced for the Linear Collider Board, the Linear Collider Director, and the three Associate Directors. All of these post-2012 recommendations will require ICFA approval.
ILCSC Meeting
8 July 2012
Melbourne, Australia
- GDE Report
Barry Barish reported that the major current GDE activity is documentation and writing the TDR; the TDR will be submitted to the December 2012 PAC meeting, with the final version available at LP2013. Final accelerator costing is underway, with the RDR costs as a starting point; Purchasing Power Parity (an OECD designed process) is being used to allow for exchange rate fluctuations. From construction start to physics should be ~ 10 years, irrespective of a mountainous or flat site. Post-TDR work should include extending the ILC energy, SCRF R&D, higher gradients, and system tests.
- Research Director’s Report
The Detector Baseline Document (DBD), reported Sakue Yamada, will have two volumes: the first giving the physics case for the ILC, and the second describing the detectors and the simulations. A sub-final DBD draft will be available for the December 2012 PAC review, following a review by IDAG, with a final report to ILCSC early in 2013. The physics simulations, in addition to the previously recommended 500 GeV reactions, will also include three 1 TeV reactions. The two detectors will use a common costing method.
- Worldwide Study
Hitoshi Yamamoto said that the three regions have produced (or are producing) recommendations on the post-2012 physics and detector organization. He commented that the WWS is the only body which coordinates the inputs of the entire linear collider community.
- ILC Post-2012
A new draft mandate for the Linear Collider Board (LCB) was approved by ILCSC and transmitted to ICFA. There was a consensus that the LCB should start as soon as possible, with a joint ILCSC/LCB meeting prior to the ICFA meeting on 21 February 2013; ILCSC would then cease to exist. It was agreed that reviews of the TDR and DBD should be completed by the February 2013 meeting, and then any needed changes could be incorporated prior to the June 2013 ICFA meeting. The PAC meeting in December 2012 will be the technical review of the TDR and DBD; the PAC membership will be augmented by additional experts for this meeting. An international review of the ILC accelerator cost estimate will take place in January 2013.
- Reports
ILCSC heard reports on the May 2012 PAC meeting, on the European Strategy process, and on accelerator activities in each of the Americas, Asia, and Europe.
21 February 2013
This was a combined final meeting of the ILCSC together with the first meeting of the new Linear Collider Board (LCB). A summary of the whole meeting is given here.
- GDE Report
Barry Barish reported that an average cavity gradient of 37 MV/m has been achieved in vertical tests, surpassing the 35 MV/m goal. He discussed what will and will not be included in the TDR cost estimate. The official TDR completion will be on 12 June 2013 (“ILC Day”), and this will end the GDE mission. Barish said that the ILC is now ready for selection of a host country and site, and the formation of an international project.
- Research Director’s Report
The Detailed Baseline Design (DBD) of the ILC detectors was described by Sakue Yamada; the ability of the detectors to study the properties of the 125 GeV Higgs-like particle will be included. Yamada said that both detectors are feasible and have demonstrated their capability to produce the desired physics with good accuracy, although more detailed engineering studies will still be needed.
- TDR Cost Review
In early February 2013, a cost review of the TDR was held, and the review conclusions were summarized by its Chair, Norbert Holtkamp. He said that the TDR quality and costs are sufficient to begin negotiations among partners and governments; the costing methods are reasonable for a global project of this scale, and are similar to those of ITER, LHC, etc. Holtkamp listed several steps, not included in the TDR, needed before construction starts, and mentioned other items, including elements in the cost estimate, that still need to be refined.
- “ILC Event”
The “ILC Event” will be held on 12 June 2013, in all three regions, to celebrate TDR completion, to highlight the ILC progress and future, and to expose a wider community to the ILC goals. Plans for the event were described by Brian Foster.
- General Issues Working Group
Activities of the CLIC-ILC General Issues Working Group were discussed by Mike Harrison. The major emphasis has been on a comparison of the two approaches to a linear collider, particularly 500 GeV versions of each. CLIC has a lower slope of cost/GeV at higher energy, with the two costs approximately equal at 500 GeV.
- Linear Collider Collaboration
The LCB approved Linear Collider Director Lyn Evans’ choice of Hitoshi Murayama as Deputy Director, Mike Harrison as Associate Director for ILC, Steinar Stapnes as Associate Director for CLIC, and Hitoshi Yamamoto as Associate Director for Physics and Detectors. Each of the Associate Directors gave some initial thoughts on their roles and future goals.
- Project Design Guidelines
Atsuto Suzuki reported on a study which describes a management model for the pre-ILC lab, and how to proceed towards the goal of an ILC lab.