Machine Advisory Committee

March 2006

A Machine Advisory Committee (MAC) has been set up by the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) to review ILC accelerator issues; it reports to ILCSC.


MAC Mandate

    1. The oversight of Global Design Effort (GDE) activities is by the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC); MAC will assist ILCSC in one of ILCSC’s oversight functions.
    2. MAC will meet two or three times per year until ILCSC and the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) approve the Reference Design Report (RDR).
    3. MAC will review GDE accelerator activities; it will report to ILCSC.
    4. MAC will review the following aspects of the Baseline Configuration Document (BCD):

a) Is the conclusion of BCD reasonable and consistent with the overall ILC system? Is the BCD design consistent? Is it optimized to produce maximum physics output? Is the plan to upgrade the machine to 1 TeV appropriate?

b) Are there any BCD items that MAC feels should be reconsidered?

c) Are there any issues that MAC thinks should be discussed in a broader context by ILCSC?

    1. MAC will review the process that will lead to the RDR:

a) Is the organization of GDE appropriate for this activity?

b) Is the accelerator design process appropriate?

c) Is the cost estimate process appropriate?

d) Are the milestones envisioned in the RDR appropriate and realistic?

    1. In addition, MAC will review the RDR for the following:

a) Is the RDR design reasonable and consistent with the overall ILC system? Is the RDR design consistent? Is it optimized to produce maximum physics output? Is the plan to upgrade the machine to 1 TeV appropriate?

b) Is the estimated cost reasonable?

c) Is the envisioned project schedule reasonable?

MAC membership (30 November 2006)

  • Takaaki Furuya (KEK)
  • Gunther Geschonke (CERN)
  • Don Hartill (Cornell)
  • Norbert Holtkamp (ORNL)
  • In-Soo Ko (PAL)
  • Shin-ichi Kurokawa (ILCSC Chair; ex-officio)
  • Philippe Lebrun (CERN)
  • Bernd Loehr (DESY)
  • Dave McGinnis (Fermilab)
  • Katsunobu Oide (KEK)
  • Burt Richter (SLAC)
  • Lenny Rivkin (PSI)
  • Claus Rode (JLab)
  • John Seeman (SLAC)
  • Yuri Shatunov (BINP)
  • Ferdinand Willeke (DESY; Chair)
  • Masakazu Yoshioka (KEK)
  • Roy Rubinstein (Secretary)


Reports of the ILC Machine Advisory Committee