12/13 February 2009
1. Introduction
In addition to ICFA members and ICFA Panel Chairs, directors of the worlds major particle physics laboratories were also invited to this meeting; this permitted a broader discussion of the present status and future prospects of particle physics.
2. ICFA Seminar
The four-day ICFA Seminar is held every three years, with the topic Future Perspectives in Particle Physics; leading particle and accelerator physicists are invited, together with government science officials. The most recent ICFA Seminar was held at SLAC on 28-31 October 2008, and the next one will be in 2011 at CERN.
3. ILCSC Chair
The Chair of ICFAs International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) has a two-year term, and the term of the current Chair, Enzo Iarocci, will end in late 2009. ICFA chose Jonathan Bagger to be the next ILCSC Chair.
4. International Committee for Ultra Intense Lasers (ICUIL)
ICUIL is a Working Group of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), as is ICFA. The ICUIL Chair, Toshiki Tajima, described the activities of ICUIL, noting that one of the uses of very intense lasers is exploration of laser acceleration of particles. ICFA agreed that now is a good time for the two committees to cooperate, and this will be studied further before and at the next ICFA meeting.
5. Reports
ICFA heard reports from InterAction, ICFA Panels, and from representatives of all of the labs and regions present at the meeting.