24 July 2010
A report was given on the ILCSC meeting that was held earlier on 24 July. GDE and the ILC detectors are on track to produce a Technical Design Report by the end of 2012. A committee will be formed to write a set of ILC site requirements. There was an extended discussion on ILC activities after 2012; the consensus is that there will be a transitional stage after 2012 overseen by a multi-lab collaboration. The ILC effort will be a “virtual” lab (like the current GDE), becoming more real as time progresses.
- Particle Physics Situation—Now and the Remainder of the Decade
A steering committee was formed to provide guidance for an ICFA-produced document describing opportunities for particle physics across the world. It will show the physics opportunities, and give a list of currently open questions and possible future ways to answer them
- Revising ICFA Guideline #5
ICFA Guideline #5 is currently:
“Operating laboratories should not require experimental groups to contribute to the running costs of the accelerators or colliding beam machines nor to the operating costs of their associated experimental areas.”
It was agreed to add a sentence to this Guideline saying that allocation of operating costs for a new large international project should be part of the agreement for building the project, and should be agreed by the parties before project approval.
- ICFA/ICUIL Collaboration
A joint task force between ICFA and the International Committee on Ultra-High Intensity Lasers (ICUIL) has been set up to study the laser acceleration of particles. A first workshop has already been held, and a technical report will be written on such accelerators and the technical challenges that still need to be overcome.
- ICFA Seminar
The next ICFA Seminar will be held at CERN in October 2011.