ICFA Meeting |
1. ILCSC Report Jon Bagger gave a report on the final meeting of ILCSC held earlier on 21 February. The GDE and RD accomplished their mandates by producing the TDR and DBD. Changes recommended by the recent PAC and cost reviews will be incorporated into the final documents. 2. LCB Report A report on the first meeting of the Linear Collider Board (LCB), also held earlier on 21 February, was given by Sachio Komamiya. The Linear Collider Director is Lyn Evans, who has chosen his Deputy Director and Associate Directors, and is working to complete the remainder of the Directorate. 3. FALC Yasuhiro Okada reported on the November 2012 FALC meeting. FALC will produce a report on the GDE activities and how useful such a mechanism is for a future global project. FALC recommended that ICFA work on an MOU to establish the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC). Also, ICFA and the LCC should bring a proposal on the scope of the LCC common fund to the next FALC meeting. 4. The next ICFA Chair Pier Oddone retires as Fermilab Director and ICFA Chair on 1 July 2013. ICFA agreed that the next Fermilab Director serve as ICFA Chair for the remainder of Oddone’s term, which ends on 31 December 2014. 5. Reports ICFA heard reports on the European Strategy, InterAction, the ICFA/ICUIL collaboration, ICFA’s Panels, and from the labs, countries and regions represented at the meeting.