ICFA Meeting |
Atsuto Suzuki gave the history of ILC activities in Japan over the preceding year, including the August 2013 site decision and the aim to have an “international country” in Japan at the ILC site. It is estimated that it will take 2-3 years to study hosting the ILC in Japan. In December 2013, the Japanese government allocated an amount equivalent to US$500K for ILC, which allows the use of “ILC” in government documents, and the funds can be used for government negotiation activities. ICFA agreed on a Statement
There are two very large (~100 km) future colliders —FCC and CEPC—-under emerging consideration by the world particle physics community. Rolf Heuer noted that the European Strategy document high priority items include a collider at the energy frontier. Tunnels of ~ 100 km have been considered for the FCC, and a preparatory group is preparing a preliminary parameter set; pp, e+e-, and ep options have been looked at. A collaboration will be formed in May/June 2014, which will remain open to additional members after that date. Yifang Wang discussed the CEPC, which would initially be a Higgs 240 GeV e+e- collider in a ~50-70 km tunnel, with later conversion to a pp collider. If government support became available in the next ~ 2 years, construction could start in 2022; international collaboration on the project would be needed. ICFA made the following statement:
Yifang Wang described plans for the 2014 ICFA Seminar (27-30 October 2014 at IHEP, Beijing). A preliminary program was presented. An attempt will be made to have some overview talks at the Seminar at the level of funding agency representatives, and efforts will be made to attract media attendance.
ICFA approved Joachim Mnich to be the ICFA Chair for the period 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2017.
The Linear Collider School has been successful, but is currently having funding problems; in addition, the Linear Collider Collaboration has up to now had no direct role in the School, and there has been no connection with other accelerator schools. An ICFA working group has been set up to produce a plan for the future of the School.
Reports were made to the ICFA meeting by FALC, by ICFA Panels, and by the labs and regions represented at the meeting. |