Jan Sobczyk is Professor of Theoretical Physics at Wrocław University, Poland. He studied theoretical physics in Wrocław. In 1982 he went to Trieste, Italy, where in 1986 he completed his PhD at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) working on Kaluza-Klein theories with his advisor, John Strathdee. In 1987 he returned back to Wroclaw and started to work at the Institute of Theoretical Physics. Until 2000 his research focused on various topics in mathematical physics: conformal field theories, quantum groups etc.
In 2000 he switched to particle physics joining the newly formed Polish group that entered the ICARUS and then the T2K experiments. In Wrocław he formed from scratch the active working group of younger collaborators and in particular played a leading role in development of NuWro Monte Carlo event generator. He actively participated in all the NuInt workshops devoted to investigation of neutrino interactions in the 1 GeV energy region. He also chaired the workshop and school devoted to neutrino interactions organized in Poland. Currently, he is a member of the T2K collaboration. He spent academic year 2011/2012 at Fermilab as an International Fellow establishing close collaboration with members of the MINERvA experiment.