- ICFA statement on the new ACFA-HEP sub-group of the Asian Committee for Future Accelerators (ACFA)(October 2024)
- ICFA statement on sustainable programs in HEP (October 2024)
- ICFA statement on the importance of testbeam facilities and their availability (May 2024)
- ICFA statement on the outcome of the US P5 process (April 2024)
- ICFA statement on the new ICFA Panel on the Data Lifecycle (January 2024)
- ICFA Statement Regarding Higgs Factory Development and the ILC (April 2022)
- ICFA Letter to the MEXT Minister Hon. Hagiuda (April 2021)
- ICFA applauds the 2020 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (Aug. 2020)
- ILC International Development Team, Aug 20, 2020 (Press Release)
- ICFA Statement on the ILC Project, Feb 22, 2020
- ICFA Statement on the MEXT’s View with regards to the ILC Project (March 2019) (LCB Letter to MEXT)
- ICFA Statement on the ILC Operating at 250 GeV (November 2017) (LCB Conclusion Report)
- ICFA Statement on the ILC, on Regional Planning, and on Studies for Future Circular Colliders (July 2014)
- ICFA Statement on the Progress towards an International Linear Collider (ILC) in Japan. (February 2014)
- ICFA Statement on Long-Term Data Preservation (March 2013)
- Beacons of Discovery (October 2011)
- ICFA Statement on Funding for the Linear Collider (February 2008)
- ICFA Statement on Open-Access Publishing in Particle Physics (August 2007)
- ICFA Statement on Future Neutrino Facilities (August 2007)
- ICFA Statement on Linear Colliders (February 2004)
- Report of the International Linear Collider Technical Review Committee – 2003
- Reports of the ICFA Task Force on a Global Accelerator Network
- ICFA Statement on Linear Colliders (August 1999)
- ICFA Statement on Large Hadron Collider
- 1996 ICFA Seminar Statement
- ICFA Statement on Communications in International High Energy Physics Collaborations
- ICFA Statement on a Tau Charm Factory
- Statement of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) on The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Project at CERN
- Statement of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) on International Collaboration in the Construction of Major High-Energy Facilities
- International Collaboration in the Construction of Future Large Accelerator Projects
- ICFA Guidelines for the International Utilization of Major Regional Experimental Facilities for High-Energy Particle Physics Research
- Research and Development Towards TeV Linear e+e– Colliders
- ICFA Statement on Test Beam Availability