6 May 1993
Research and Development Towards TeV Linear e+e- Colliders
A consensus has emerged that an electron-positron collider with an initial center of mass energy of 300 to 500 GeV and a luminosity of order 1033cm-2s-1 or more is the natural choice for the next collider needed to explore the high energy e+e- frontier.
A broad set of technological alternatives which all have the potential of meeting these design goals are presently being explored at various laboratories. Given the breadth and diversity of the program and the fact that at present work is only being pursued at few laboratories, there is a need to:
- Facilitate a critical evaluation and comparison of the various approaches with the aim of reaching a consensus on a favored design.
- Coordinate the worldwide R&D effort towards this goal.
- Broaden the basis of linear collider R&D by providing a mechanism by which smaller and medium size institutions can join in the R&D effort.
These questions have been addressed in a memorandum titled:
"Interlaboratory Memorandum of Understanding of Research and Development towards TeV Linear e+e- Colliders."
which has been submitted jointly by DESY, KEK, and SLAC to ICFA.
The memorandum describes the structure of a collaboration designed to meet the objectives listed above. A copy was submitted to the meeting of ICFA held at DESY on 6 May 1993.
The proposed collaboration is based on the following principles:
- The collaboration recognizes the desirability to coordinate on a worldwide basis R&D of linear colliders.
- The collaboration is open to any institution which wishes to contribute to the development of linear colliders.
- The collaboration recognizes the importance of the exchange of personnel and information between participating institutions.
- The collaboration anticipates that future linear colliders will be constructed by international coalitions.
- The collaboration recognizes the requirement that R&D towards future linear colliders be conducted without prejudice to potential sites of construction.
ICFA welcomes and supports the initiative taken by DESY, KEK, and SLAC and endorses the guiding principles of the collaboration agreement as outlined above.
ICFA wishes to be kept informed at regular intervals by the Chairman of the Regional Council.
ICFA concurs with the proposal that its Chairman should be an ex-officio member of the Regional Council.
Upon approval of the project, ICFA assumes that there will be a call for proposals of the experimental use of the facility and that the experiments will be examined and recommended by an International Advisory board without prejudice towards institutions and persons which have participated in the R&D phase of the accelerator.