- ILC International Development Team (Chair – Tatsuya Nakada, EPFL, Lausanne)
- ICFA Instrumentation Innovation and Development Panel (Chair — N.N.)
- ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel (Chair — Yuan He, IMPCAS)
- ICFA Panel on Advanced and Novel Accelerators (Chair — Patric Muggli, Max Planck Institute for Physics)
- ICFA Panel on Sustainable Accelerators and Colliders (Chair — Thomas Roser, BNL)
- ICFA Panel on the Data Lifecycle (Chair — Kati Lassila-Perini / Helsinki Institute of Physics)
- Linear Collider Board (Chair – Tatsuya Nakada, EPFL, Lausanne)
- ICFA Neutrino Panel (Chair — Kenneth Long, Imperial College London)
- ICFA Standing Committee on Interregional Connectivity (Chair — Harvey Newman, Caltech)
- ICFA Study Group on Data Preservation in High Energy Physics (Chair – Cristinel Diaconu, CPPM, Marseille)